Of children in infancy / school age, active movement or exercise. In its activity could be Osgood-Schlatter disease; ie, a condition that affects children and causes pain just below the knee, or Sever’s disease: a condition that also affects children but results in pain at the back of the heel. in children; bones strong and long as the long bones in the legs; grow longer than the end of bone growth and bone epiphysis is an area on which to grow.

While tendons are attached to the bone at the end of the bone. When the bones are actively growing, then do something with gusto activity can cause the muscles pull on the epiphyses, which can lead to irritation and swelling can occur which can affect bone growth relationship. Swelling with pain as Osgood-Schlatter disease when it occurs in the knee and when the swelling and pain arise in the rear heel area known as peyakit Sever. Both conditions occur mostly in children between the ages of 10-15 years, and more often in children who are active. Most of the boys from the girls. Sometimes for Sever’s disease can occur in children as young as 8 years old.



Sever's Disease

Sever’s Disease

Signs and Symptoms of Osgood-Schlatter and Sever’s Disease

Symptoms that arise in Osgood Schlatter disease and Sever almost the same, especially in the swelling accompanied by pain in the legs. It’s just for Osgood Schlatter at the front of the leg below the knee, while Sever pain and swelling at the back of the heel. The pain comes and goes, but it got worse when kneeling, running, or jumping. It can even become worse when a child to give up sports for a while or at rest.

It usually occurs on one knee, right knee and did the left knee. But it may also be on the heel at once or in both legs. A child who berusia10-15 years are at risk for these conditions if they are very active and do sports with play such as running or jumping, and stretching the muscles in the lower legs. But in ways that can safely exercise is recommended in an attempt to reduce or minimize the incidence of this disease.

The condition can be detected by the presence of physical symptoms and signs that appear in children who are active. Most things, x-rays or blood tests if necessary for a child affected by the disease as well as having specific symptoms. These may include fever, pain that is getting worse, pain at rest or pain that awakens the child in the middle of the night. A child suffering from this disease can usually be treated or cured within a period of 1 to 2 years.

No detrimental effect of mobility of children in a few years later after suffering from this disease. Treatment involves resting the sore to heal. This means avoiding activities that cause pain in the knee area, such as kneeling, jumping, or running. Usually dressed action is not so necessary, but pain that is felt so excessive that the child can not walk. In this case, the child should be checked to see if something else is causing the pain. Applying an ice pack on the area around the affected may also help. Treatment using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can help, too.

In Osgood-Schlatter, wearing an elastic pad above the knee may prevent further irritation of the knee. While on Sever’s Disease, raised heel quarter of muscles heel when walking. When the end of the growing bones may not heal from Osgood-Schlatter disease after bone ends together, then this condition can cause further pain. In this case, the part can be cured through surgery. What happens after treatment in this disease? Treatment using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may cause stomach upset or allergic reactions. If surgery is required, higher the risk, the occurrence of disorders of the stomach and allergic reactions to anesthesia. It also has the potential of infection from surgery.

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