If you are talking about technology, osteoarthritis joint replacement surgery is quite popular choice in the medical community. This means good news for arthritis sufferers of osteoarthritis. It is said in the study that joint replacement surgery can relieve pain increase 90% more optimal performance in their work.

Joint replacement surgery can be a life change procedure for the right patient, but it will not help all the people who have pain in the hip or knee.

Who Need Osteoarthritis Joint Replacement Surgery?

Those who need joint replacement surgery is a feeling of intense pain in the joints that makes her hard to walk, climb stairs, get up from a sitting or normal daily activities. The pain should also be chronic in which patients experienced at least 6 continuous months.

Not just the pain itself as a key but how the pain interferes with the patient’s life (osteoarthritis) day-to-day as limiting the things you can do and its influence on mood.

Broken bones also make a person more deserving of joint replacement surgery. Please check with the X-ray or other image capture technology to see the pain and damaged joints due to osteoarthritis or other conditions.

Failure of conservative treatment including from drugs, injections and assistance of equipment such as walkers do not help the recovery of health.

Changes in shape. Swollen knee or a twisted knee will need the help of this kind of joint replacement surgery.

Similarly, knee replacement surgery may not be helpful if you have things like the following:

Infection. According to experts, the number one reason to avoid joint replacement surgery is that there is a new infection in any part of the body. It is feared that this infection will reach the joint area recently operated on, or at least a month later and lead to things that are not desirable.

Other health problems. People who have a history of heart disease or stroke, diabetes, and the possibility of having the possibility of other complications. People who are very obese may need to lose weight before getting a joint replacement surgery.

The cause of the pain is unclear. Doctors must be absolutely sure whether the pain you feel is caused by damage to the joints and the joints replacement will help.

People can feel the pain that feels like joint pain, but after the scan there was no damage to the joints. This could be caused by a wide range of possibilities, not necessarily joint problems, this could be due to nerve damage. Joint replacement surgery will not help improve the situation.

Pain felt during sleep but not when running will not help. Joint replacement surgery is performed to relieve the pain got worse when running so it will provide benefits to those who had pain at rest.

Once you have fulfilled all the criteria need joint replacement surgery, you need to convince and prepare yourself first. Here are three key questions that will help you to become more confident.

Are you ready to conservative treatment?

Joint replacement surgery is often done, effective and relative safe procedures. Nevertheless, there is a possibility of this operation may take several months to recover. Make sure that you have tried all sorts of non-surgical treatments.

Does anyone help you at home?

May be difficult to recover from joint replacement surgery alone. At least for a few weeks, you’ll need some help to change clothes, preparing meals, changing bandages and walking. If you may not have family or close friends who can help, asking for medical assistance that can be rented daily.

Are you committed to change?

For the good outcome of joint replacement surgery, you need to commit to yourself to work hard the months before and after surgery. You may need to further improve the health, eating healthy food, lose weight and more exercise.

The success of the joint replacement is depend on 10% success in the doctor’s surgery, 10% of its operations and 10% of physical therapy. Rest is up to the patient. If they do not work hard to cured, they will not recover.

Why do you need osteoarthritis joint replacement?

However knee joint replacement surgery and hip joint replacement surgery helps to reduce pain and increase mobility in many people who have undergone the operation. The impact is also very big in life and restore freedom was hampered due to the pain caused by a variety of bone and joint problems like osteoarthritis.

Need consultation for your Joint Pain? Our professional orthopedic specialist has more than 20 years experience. Be assured that you will be receiving professional treatments that suit your needs. Call us at (65) 66532628 or SMS at (65) 84998384

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